At which MSS campus do you teach?
Meeting Street – Burns
Why did you decide to be a teacher?
Ever since I was a little girl, I always dreamt of being a teacher. I would come home each day and play “school” with my younger sister and teach her about the material I was learning on a whiteboard. Ever since then, I have loved working with students in various settings and making a positive impact on their education. I still remember some of my favorite teachers and the impact they had on me, and I can only hope to do the same for my scholars.
Why do you choose to stay in the classroom?
It’s all about the relationships! I love my students like they are my own children, and I enjoy watching them grow and develop throughout the course of the school year. I can’t imagine starting my day any other way than receiving 20 hugs, high fives, or fist bumps as my students walk through the door!
What is the most challenging part of being a teacher?
The most challenging part of being a teacher is coming to terms with the fact that the TO-DO List is never ending. Learning how to prioritize your TO-DO list is key to maintaining a work-life balance, while still feeling prepared and organized.
What is the most rewarding part of being a teacher?
The most rewarding part is celebrating students’ success. The smile that spreads across a child’s face when they accomplish something that was challenging or overcome an obstacle, is PRICELESS.
Why did you choose to teach at Meeting Street Schools?
Meeting Street Schools stood out to me because it offers teachers an opportunity to grow and learn alongside their students. Evaluations and observations can seem intimidating at first, but Meeting Street puts a huge emphasis on feedback and growth for their teachers too. The support that I receive from my team, my coach, and my principal is unlike anything I have ever been a part of before.
What makes Meeting Street Schools different?
Meeting Street Schools sets high goals and expectations for ALL students, and will work continuously until those goals are met. Through collaboration, interpreting data, feedback, and observations teachers and students work together to achieve the highest level of excellence. MSS is always aiming to be better, to do better, and to obtain better results for kids!
If you were to write a letter to yourself during your first year of teaching giving yourself advice, what would you say?
I would tell myself to breathe and to focus on all of the positive things that happen each day! It is so easy to focus on what went poorly or what needs to be adjusted, but you have to learn to take a step back and put all the AMAZING things you are doing each and every day into perspective. Mistakes will happen, lessons will go poorly, but coming in fresh each day will help you and your students remain positive and optimistic throughout the school year!