
Meeting Street Schools’ Hosts Alumni Weekend! March 21, 2022 Meeting Street Schools

Over 100 Meeting Street Schools current and soon-to-be alumni gathered at their alma mater to attend our very first Network-wide Alumni Weekend to receive information and inspiration for their journey to college and career.


Scholars and families started the two-day event by gathering for food and fun at their alma mater on Friday afternoon. Meeting Street Academy- Charleston toured the new wing, Meeting Street Academy-Spartanburg competed in their own version of the Amazing Race, and Meeting Street-Brentwood 8th graders celebrated their upcoming graduation. 

The Alumni Services team hosted a webinar on Saturday that included an included an alumni panel where students had the opportunity to receive words of wisdom from their peers.

When asked what advice they would give students transitioning to another school:

  • Branch out – spread your wings
  • Build relationships with the teachers AND other students
  • Advocate for yourself!
  • Reflect on your mistakes so you can be/get better
  • Don’t be afraid to mess up
  • Be confident in yourself

When asked what the biggest differences were when they left Meeting Street:

  • The environment was way different – more people, not the same “family” feel
  • The people are different- there are different cultures, different skin colors, different everything – be accepting!
  • You have to decide who you want to be in that space…
  • Don’t let the workload stress you out so that you quit – persevere!

When asked what advice they would give to their younger self:

  • Get ready for a change
  • Be comfortable being uncomfortable
  • Don’t be shy – make new friends

Other parts of the day included a keynote address delivered by members of the founding and forever fanclub. Nurse Sherri, Principal Hilton, and Ms. Durrah gave beautiful speeches to the impact alumni made on them from the Spartanburg Mavericks. Founding and former 5th grade teacher, Mr. Watkins and former Director of Synergy, Ms. Lori gave a speech to the Charleston Owls that really reminded all alumni we are always family and will always be here to do the hard work, together. 


The day was rounded out by an incredible virtual workshop that provided opportunities for alumni whether an internship through Boeing or Favrit; programs to explore passions through GripTape, STREAMS, and the Career Startup School; or greater access to college and career scholarships through The Evans Scholars and JRS Coding School. Our alumni are able to access and explore so many different avenues and we hope to continue to engage more partners in the future! 

Take a closer look at the weekend’s events here!