
Howard University students spend alternative spring break at Brentwood March 7, 2025 Meeting Street Elementary & Middle — Brentwood

Students from one of the country’s top Historically Black Colleges & Universities are spending the week investing in Meeting Street Elementary & Middle – Brentwood students.

A total of 17 Howard University students are doing all they can to make a difference, from assisting with bus duty to planting flowers to shadowing the principal to talking with students.

“What I’ve learned so far from being at Brentwood is to have hope in the young generation,” said Junior Nicole Winfrey. “Social media tells us students are doing so horrible in school, they’re not learning anything, but Brentwood really taught me that’s not true. The students here are so intelligent, well-mannered and well-spoken. And I’m amazed at the administration here; they’re doing a wonderful job.”

The Howard University students in North Charleston are part of a group of 1,300 who traveled to 22 cities nationwide as part of the college’s annual Alternative Spring Break, the country’s largest student-led collegiate spring break service initiative.

Junior Diona Wilson said her favorite part of the week at Brentwood has been time spent in classrooms.

“These kindergartners are on track,” she said. “They are so focused at what they need to do, and their teachers are great – hands on, helping them all the time. It’s really touching.”

Roger Michael, principal of Brentwood’s middle school, said the Howard students’ visits made a difference to the entire school community.

“The impact these Howard University students had on our school goes far beyond the time they spent here,” he said. “Their presence, mentorship and dedication showed our students what’s possible when you dream big and work hard. We are deeply grateful for their time, energy, and belief in our students.”