At which MSS campus do you teach?
Meeting Street – Brentwood
When and why did you decide to be a teacher?
I am a genuine lover of learning. I am very interested in the way different children learn and develop. Knowing that students learn something new everyday is such an exciting concept to me!
Where did you go to school?
Pennsylvania State University
Where did you do your student teaching and what did you take away from that experience?
I did my student teaching at a low income child care facility in State College, PA after working at a NAEYC accredited child development lab on the Penn State campus. The internship allowed me to focus on the differences that can occur in education, especially in early childhood education. It also showed me that a lack in developmental or cultural knowledge can really shift the mentality of the adults who care for children and helped me create a personal goal to understand and celebrate differences in all of us.
How did you decide which school you would teach at after graduating?
I knew I wanted to work with Special Needs students in an inclusive setting so I worked for Easter Seals for 4 years with infants and toddlers until I moved to Charleston.
Which school(s) did you teach at before coming to Meeting Street Schools?
I taught and was a Mentor Teacher at Daniel Island Academy for 4 years.
How did you find out about Meeting Street Schools?
I heard about MSS from a friend, did some research, and knew that this was where I wanted to be!
What was your first impression/experience at Meeting Street Schools?
I came to an Open House and saw the students and instantly fell in love. I felt like I was home again and like I could be myself at Brentwood. That feeling has just grown over my years here.
What makes Meeting Street Schools different, and/or why did you decide to work for Meeting Street Schools and what keeps you here?
Meeting Street Schools takes the time to push their staff and students to a different level. We lean in when times get hard and support each other throughout the process. I have worked hard to grow every year and have been supported in that. We say all the time that we will not lower the bar for anyone and that includes the staff.
What is your current position at Meeting Street Schools? Describe the journey from first starting at MSS to where you are now.
I am the Director of Operations at Meeting Street Brentwood. I started 5 years ago as a Business Manager and loved creating systems and processes. After 4 years in that position and hard work with rebranding the school, event planning, budget management and so much more, I was offered an Associate Director of Operations role and happily accepted. This helped me to grow in supervision and team support for some of my colleagues, overseeing our substitutes and working to build a strong Operations team. After my predecessor moved on to an out-of-state government role, it left an opening and an opportunity for me to apply to be the Director of Operations. After interviewing and showing some of my work at Meeting Street Brentwood, I was offered the role as Director of Operations!
What career goals are you still working towards?
I am happily embracing this role of Director of Operations and hope to eventually become an Assistant Principal of Operations. There is so much to learn and I am so excited for the chance to learn as much as possible! I don’t plan on leaving school since that is where I find myself the happiest. The constant pivoting and support are what keep every single day interesting and exciting.