Dear Alison, Congratulations on accepting your first job offer in Charleston, SC! I know you are filled with joy, excitement, and anticipation. I also know...
Alexandra Graham did not grow up wanting to be a teacher. Growing up in Summerville, South Carolina before attending Winthrop University, she began her college...
Participant Centered Learning According to an article by Diane Thielfoldt, “Participant Centered Learning--See It! Try It! Got It!”, “learning” is defined as “a way of...
Welcome to Our Celebration of Education Hello! Welcome to the Meeting Street Schools’ blog where we think education should we celebrated. We hope you do,...
Find more info on upcoming Charleston events here. ‘That Sweet Soul Music’ What: Meeting Street Schools and the Watoto Academy of Performing Arts present their...
May 22, 2019 Free Community Event: A Celebration of Soul Music performed by the students of Meeting Street Schools Register Here
By Barney Blakeney, The Charleston Chronicle A few years ago I lived near the first location of the Meeting Street Academy School on King Street. The...
By MARIE ROCHA-TYGH, The Daniel Island News One in four children in America will grow up unable to read, according to the website Helping...