
Director Feature: Daniel McKeown February 27, 2024 Meeting Street Elementary — Burns

At which MSS campus do you teach?

Meeting Street Burns

What is your role and how does your work impact the school?

Director of Operations: The work I do as Director of Operations impacts our school in a variety of ways. Most importantly, I am charged with establishing policies, procedures, and practices that allow daily operations to run effectively and efficiently. Additionally, I lead the Operations Team which should provide the “oxygen” for our students and staff to learn and work in an environment conducive to positive outcomes academically, socially, emotionally, and professionally.

What is the most challenging part of your job?

The most challenging part of my job is finding the right “recipe” for what’s best for students, staff, families, and the Dorchester-Waylyn Community. At the forefront of every decision, policy, procedure, etc…, I am tasked with asking, “Is this what’s best for students?” and then prioritizing next steps as it applies to staff, families, and our schoolwide community. If I lose sleep over anything, it’s asking if I made the right decision or supported my team the best I possibly could regarding any matter.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is when I see teachers getting to do what they do best, which is teach, with little to no barriers. Unfortunately, I cannot prevent every barrier to teachers’ success in the classroom but when I see something my team accomplishes that facilitates students’ learning and teachers’ teaching, then I know we are doing the right work!

Why did you choose to work at Meeting Street Schools?

After years teaching in traditional public schools and supporting the work of a local non-profit, Meeting Street Schools appealed to me because it is the intersection of providing a great education with the holistic approach to supporting students, families, and our community.

What makes Meeting Street Schools different?

The thing that stands out to me as making Meeting Street Schools different than any other Pre-K through 12 educational organization is we literally put our money where our mouth is in regards to changing the educational landscape for students and teachers. Too often, those in “power” talk about what needs to be done to make education great. Meeting Street Schools has taken the “talk” and done the work needed to make our schools the place where students excel, teachers are recognized for their continuous hard work, and the commitment to families doesn’t stop after 12th grade.

If you were to write a letter to yourself during your first year of working to give yourself advice, what would you say?

Hey you! You took the first step to get out of your comfort zone and try something new. I have great news! In 5 years you won’t believe how this school and organization invest in you and your personal and professional growth. Here are a few things to remember along the way!

1. Be vulnerable! Admitting your weaknesses, strengths, and everything in between is OKAY! Speak up when you feel like you need or want to and know that you won’t be judged.

2. Be accountable! Hold yourself and others accountable, even when it gets uncomfortable. You are all responsible for doing what’s best for students, so lean in and be in it with everyone all the time.

3. Know your boundaries and be non-judgemental! You don’t know them yet but you will. When you get that feeling in the pit of your stomach when something happens or someone says something, its okay. Lean in with curiosity and name what you need to be successful or how to address situations in the future.